Jack Cooper | November 27, 2011 | no comments


A calling is just that: a calling. The universe maintains no request line when it comes to living purposes, and anyone doing anything but what they originally intended will confirm. As such it usually takes a lot of dabbling in vast possibilities before any one path is settled upon. For instance, it took actor Mark Wahlberg two years rapping with his shirt off as a member of the “Funky Bunch” to realize music just wasn’t for him. While many get it right the first time, mostly by honing in on their craft and mixing passion with a fastidious dedication, others simply wander until they stumble upon something they thrive at.

Other related links:

Frank Oz

Michel Gondry

Tim Burton

Terry Gilliam

Kevin Smith

Duncan Jones

Ron Howard

Rob Zombie

David Lynch

Mel Gibson


Tags: filmmakers, weren’t always,
Category: Celebrity

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