Jack Cooper | October 11, 2011 | no comments


Here are top 10 unknown and interesting animal facts that are not known by many people in the world. If you familiar with the animals you might never heard this information below.

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Fun fact about Penguins is they never need fresh water. Salty ocean water is enough to kill their thirst because every penguins has special glans inside their body to separate or filter salt from water.


Although Mosquitoes are small and look vulnerable, they are very ancient actually. They have survived in many catastrophes and some scientists believe that they have lived since the age of of Dinosaurs.


Rats chew when they are hungry or not.I think not everything they chew is a food. They chew to slow the growth of their lower teeth. If they don’t chew often, their lower teeth can harm their mouth and kill them.It is simply a surviving mechanism.


Owl has big eye ball and it is better than human eye. To move their eye ball or to see other direction, the owl must turning their head.


A scorpion has 3 fun facts. First, it wont dead without eating anything in a year, the skin glows when UV sun light hit them, and scorpion will be survive if they are put into a freezer for up to 3 week.

Blue Whale

First fun fact about Blue whale is their tongue is heavier than adult elephant. It is the nosiest whale on the ocean plus it has only 9 beats pulse/minute. It makes the animal as a mammals with the slowest pulse on earth.


Fun facts about dolphins is when they are sleeping they keep one of their eye open and alert. Another fact, they will ask their friend to help them when they are wounded.The last interesting fact, to heal their wound, other dolphins will keep them close to the surface to ease breathing.


Chameleon has several enemies and the only defense mechanism they can do is camouflage. Little fact that view people know is chameleon not only change color when they scared.Basically, their change color is base on mood. They`ll be changing their color when they feel hungry or sad as well.


Every one knows that pig has great appetite, highly social, smart, lazy, and it is nice animal to be petted. The unknown fact that many people don’t know is average pig orgasm can lasts for 30 minutes. It is a dirty animal with an amazing gift.


Elephant is a popular animal in the world. The existence can be found almost in every country in the world. Fun fact about Elephant is it is the only animal on the planet that has 4 knees, the only animal that cannot jump, the brain is around 4-5 kilogram,and each new baby born of elephant weighs 100 kilograms in average.The last fun fact, although it looks gawky, one wild elephant walks around 100km/day.

Tags: animal facts,
Category: Animals

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